Lauri Lillie - Founder and Workplace Anthropologist
Workplace Bullying Project LLC

Supporting Targets, Spreading Awareness and Disrupting Workplace Bullying Around the Globe...
Remember to Be Kind, Be Good...and Always Keep Your Head on a Swivel!

About Lauri and WBP

Lauri is the Founder and CEO of the Workplace Bullying Project. Hello!Founded in 2023, Lauri is driven by a personal passion to eliminate workplace bullying across the globe. Her own experiences with severe workplace bullying and toxic organizations coupled with her professional training and education as Practicing Workplace Anthropologist (she has a Master of Science in Applied Organizational Anthropology) creates the perfect marriage of expertise to help bring her passion of helping others to life.To date, she has helped hundreds of individuals around the globe and wants to help YOU! Schedule a discovery call to learn how she can help you on your journey to a safe, healthy, bully-free employer where you will thrive, just as she has helped hundreds of people around the globe!

What People Are Saying About Lauri and WBP...

"I had saved so many of your posts to use as a resource. I want you to know that your work has made a significant positive impact on me during the darkest days of my life."“I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude for your invaluable guidance and support during our recent coaching session. The 1:1 session left me feeling equipped to navigate the obstacles I am facing and helped me see possibilities that I hadn't considered before. Your genuine interest in my growth and well-being has been a reminder that there are individuals who truly care about the success and happiness of others. I am committed to applying your guidance to navigate this path with renewed confidence and resilience.”

Find Out Now if You Are the Target of a Workplace Bully!

  • You are being bullied before you realize you are being bullied. Download this FREE WBP guide to find out if you are the Target of a workplace bully. This guide is for you if you’re looking to:

  • Learn the definition of workplace bullying and common bullying tactics

  • Take THREE assessments that will help you understand what you are experiencing in and outside of work

  • Confirm with confidence if you are a Target of a workplace bully

  • Receive WBP resources and suggested next steps

Interested in the Support Services Offered by Lauri and WBP?

Individuals who are being bullied and working in toxic organizations work with Lauri for any number of reasons. If you are working on an exit strategy, you need very specific tools and plans of action to be successful in departing an environment where you are being bullied. Here are a few examples of how she can help you:
~Health, wellness and support
~Strategy and navigation support of the bullying dynamic and toxic workplace
~Rebuilding confidence and embracing an abundance mindset
~Documentation training, review and implementation
~Meeting preparation and guidance (HR, leaders, legal, union, others)
~Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) triage support
~Healthy, safe, bully-free job search support and guidance
~Resignation and exit support
~Career planning and development planning
~Group coaching support
~Other support as requested

© Workplace Bullying Project LLC 2024